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[Rx2021] TIME SAVER: Zotero Software for ASHP Citations

Kashkoush, Mohamed Adam mokashkoush at
Sat Feb 24 19:58:29 EST 2018

Hi everyone,

Here is the Zotero download link, a citation software that I mentioned in yesterday's weekly report: . You may also need to make an account to use it, but it is totally free.

This software allows you to use automatically cite journal articles using the ASHP format, which is very similar to the format we use in school. Here's a comparison of what a Zotero citation looks like versus what is expected from us:

Zotero ASHP Style:
Gerwig M, Niehaus L, Stude P, Katsarava Z, Diener HC. Beta-blocker migraine prophylaxis affects the excitability of the visual cortex as revealed by transcranial magnetic stimulation. J Headache Pain. 2012;13(1):83-89. doi:10.1007/s10194-011-0401-x

PittPharmacy Style:
Gerwig M, Niehaus L, Stude P, et al. Beta-blocker migraine prophylaxis affects the excitability of the visual cortex as revealed by transcranial magnetic stimulation. J Headache Pain. 2012;13(1):83-89.

As you can see, there are two main differences and two easy ways to manually fix it:

  1.  Zotero includes the "doi" at the end. Just delete the last bit.
  2.  Zotero cites all author names in the article. Pitt instructs us to "List all authors when four or fewer; when five or more, list only the first three and add et al." This is a simple fix just by looking at the names and determining whether or not you should delete additional names and use "et al." instead.

The software takes a minute to set up and get used to, but I think taking the time now can save you a ton of time on all of the assignments we will be doing over the next few years. To get started, I've attached a how-to document with screenshots that teaches you all you need to know.

Hope this helps, and please let me know if you would like assistance setting up or using Zotero.

Best wishes,

Mo Kashkoush, B.S.
University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy
PharmD Student | Class of 2021
Email: mokashkoush at
Cell: (484) 387-0627
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