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[Rx2021] Action Required: SIO Merck Field Trip Sign-Ups

Mannino, Suzanne M smm198 at
Wed Feb 12 09:56:16 EST 2020

The following email is being sent on behalf of Mackenzie Minogue.

Thank you.

Suzanne Mannino
University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy
Student Program Administrator
229 Salk Hall
3501 Terrace Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15261
Phone: 412-648-1039
Email:smm198 at

Hi everyone!

Merck has given us a tentative date of 03/24 for our field trip. They need names of student attendees to confirm the date. Merck intends to provide us lunch, a tour, a presentation and a networking session. They are treating this as a recruitment opportunity.

SIO will rent a bus to get us to and from Landsdale, PA. The bus will leave Salk Hall around 6:30AM to arrive at Merck at ~11AM. We will leave Merck around 4PM and arrive back at Salk Hall at ~9PM.

EBoard has coordinated/reached out to all professors impacted by this trip. P1s and P2s will have an excused absence. However, for P2s there is an ID quiz you will miss and this will count as your dropped quiz you. YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE A MAKE-UP DATE. P3s have a practicum on this day. Dr. Smithburger would prefer for us not to miss this practicum, but this is the best date for Merck. P3s we leave it to you to make the decision if you want to attend.

Please use the following link to sign-up we can take 24 students and 5 alternates in the event someone cancels. DO NOT SIGN UP IF YOU CAN NOT COME!<>

Thank you,
SIO EBoard

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