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[Rx2021] Photovoice Assignment

Kashkoush, Mohamed Adam mokashkoush at
Wed Nov 29 10:05:20 EST 2017

Good morning,

There are two portions of the photovoice assignment. The first part is this (just copied from Courseweb):

Select 3-5 of your “best” photos.  For each photo, answer the following questions in a reflective essay. Black & white photos are sufficient

  1.  What do we see here?
  2.  What is really happening here?
  3.  How does this relate to our lives?
  4.  Why does this situation, concern, or strength exist?
  5.  How could we educate others?
  6.  What can we do about it?

The second part is the whole "pick 1-2 of your best photos for the PowerPoint" thing. Don't worry about doing the PowerPoint, that will be my job. But I need everyone to submit 1-2 of your best photos to the following Google Drive folder:

Please name your picture file in a way that allows me to identify who submitted it (example: firstname_lastname.jpg). Thank you!

Best wishes,

Mo Kashkoush, B.S.
University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy
PharmD Student | Class of 2021
Email: mokashkoush at
Cell: (484) 387-0627
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