[Rx2021] Grace Lamsam Pharmacy Program

Mannino, Suzanne M smm198 at pitt.edu
Mon Feb 1 09:59:13 EST 2021

The following email is being sent on behalf of Lauren Snader and Jennifer Li:
Hello Pitt Pharmacy Students,
Every year the Beta Delta Chapter of Phi Lambda Sigma raises money to donate to the Grace Lamsam Pharmacy Program (GLPP) for the Underserved. This Program, founded in 1995, provides pharmacy services to homeless and low-income individuals across all of Pittsburgh. As a student at Pitt Pharmacy, you will have an experience at one of the sites funded by the GLPP at least once in your pharmacy career, if you have not done so already. Some of you may choose to return multiple times throughout your academic career to continually make a difference in the community.
In past years we have utilized a live auction to raise money for the Program where students, faculty, and staff donate events that are bid on. Last year we raised and donated over $18,000 to the GLPP. Unfortunately, the annual auction has been cancelled this year due to safety concerns regarding COVID-19.
To combat this unforeseen challenge and continue to raise funds, we are utilizing a website called EngagePitt to collect donations for the GLPP. You may remember this website from last year. Through this website, we are able to collect 100% of your donation without the hassle of extra fees as this website is run directly by the University. Here is the link to the page where you can find out more information about the campaign, donate, and stay up-to-date with the campaign: https://engage.pitt.edu/glpp

By donating to the campaign you are helping Pittsburgh’s homeless and low-income people obtain necessary pharmacy services and medications. You are making a positive impact on the community by ensuring that Pittsburgh’s underserved populations receive the proper care they need. Not only that, but you are also helping future students obtain real-world clinical experience and develop cultural sensitivity, just as we have all had the opportunity to do.
With the rate of unemployment increasing from the pandemic, supporting the GLPP is more important than ever. Those who donate $10 or more will automatically receive a free Grace Lamsam mask! The design on the mask was made by one of our students, Amanda Kan.  Any financial contribution is greatly valued. We recognize that most of us students are not in a financially secure situation, but just $1 can help us reach our goal. If you are unable to assist financially, please consider helping us reach our goal and support the community by sharing the campaign on various social media websites (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) or whichever means of communication that are most convenient to you (email, text).
The campaign will officially end on March 18th, 2021, and we hope that you will join us in our efforts to reach our goal of $3,000. Thank you for your support and consideration! Together we can help the Pittsburgh community and improve the lives of many.
Hail to Pitt!
Lauren Snader & Jen Li
PLS Auction Co-chairs

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