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[Rx2021] Underserved Clinic Schedule - now available

Schmotzer, Anna Grace annas at
Wed Jan 8 12:03:58 EST 2020


P3 and P2 students,

I just shared the google.doc link with you, you are now able to sign up for the underserved clinic.  Below are instructions to follow when signing up for your required experience or .  If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.

Ms. Schmotzer

Please read this first

1.  Students M-Z (Spring) have until January 17 to select a date to volunteer at an underserved clinic site in the Fall 2019 for IPPE hours.  Students who signed up during the summer should wait until after January 17 to sign up.  After that time, the schedule will be opened to all students interested in volunteering for service hours.

2.  Please only sign your name in a blue highlighted space - the number of spaces listed are the maximum number of students, please do not add additional spots.

3.  Only choose dates that you are able to commit to - the clinic is relying on your help for it day.  If you need to change dates, please find a classmate to switch with.  You are not permitted to remove your name from a date without finding another student to switch to your date.

4.  Please add a phone number AND email address after your name.  If clinic is cancelled, this is how the clinic staff would get a hold of you.  We try not to cancel, but sometimes emergencies happen.

5.  Please add your year after your name.

6.  Obviously, you cannot replace someone else’s name with your own unless you have already agreed to a switch.

7.  If the date says “P3 with permission”, please contact Dr. Connor before selecting that date.

8.  Email Ms. Schmotzer (annas at<mailto:annas at>) if you have any specific concerns.

9.  Student MUST be up-to-date with their CastleBranch account before they can sign up for the Underserved experience. If you sign up and are not compliant with your account, your name will be removed and you will be notified.

10.  The Underserved Clinic Mentors are listed for each clinic. Jessica Mattox (JMM363 at<mailto:JMM363 at>) and Andrew Sweigert (AJS282 at<mailto:AJS282 at>) are the program leaders for UCARxE

M-Z Spring Term (P3 & P2)

P4 rotation students

P2/P3 underserved experience

P3 elective course

P2/P3 service hours

P1 community health

Anna G. Schmotzer
Assistant Director, Experiential Learning
University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy
3501 Terrace Street | 229 Salk Hall | Pittsburgh, PA 15261
Phone: 412-624-8186 | Fax: 412-383-9996 | Email: annas at<mailto:annas at>


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