[Rx2021] SSHP Announcements

Mannino, Suzanne M smm198 at pitt.edu
Mon Aug 24 16:20:28 EDT 2020

Good afternoon,

The following email is being sent on behalf of Roisin Sabol.

Thank you.

Suzanne Mannino
University of Pittsburgh
School of Pharmacy

Welcome back to school! SSHP is excited for another great semester. We would like to share several important updates, including membership information and event dates  - this is a long email so please refer to the brief outline below to see which topics are relevant to you. Thank you in advance for your attention. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Roisin Sabol (SSHP President) at rms158 at pitt.edu<mailto:rms158 at pitt.edu>.

1.    Membership & Benefits

2.    P1 Representative - EBoard Position

3.    First General Body Meeting

4.    Residency 101 Info Session

5.    Residency 101 Question Submission

6.    Resident Networking Session

7.    Clinical Skills Competition

1.    Membership

a.    Please fill out our Google Form by 9/7/20 to be added to our interest list. This will add you to our email distribution list so that we know to contact you about how to get more involved! We will provide more information about how to complete membership registration in the coming weeks.

b.    SSHP members have access to exclusive leadership and professional development opportunities. We have a large executive board of 12 members. We offer volunteering and leadership for those involved in any of our five Professional Projects. SSHP members continually network with and learn from pharmacists across the nation through guest lectures, networking sessions, and expert panels.

c.     Of note, SSHP membership is required to participate in our events throughout the semester, including the Clinical Skills Competition. Additionally, membership will be required to be eligible for potential reimbursement for ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting.

d.    https://forms.gle/xZTQPczREeNrEXHJA<https://nam05.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fforms.gle%2FxZTQPczREeNrEXHJA&data=02%7C01%7Csmm198%40pitt.edu%7C165c71f7a6df4a014c2708d8485c4f9b%7C9ef9f489e0a04eeb87cc3a526112fd0d%7C1%7C0%7C637338908588102413&sdata=uFYw3aukXKC04XSvtJV0iIOqFAU016AUJOVIwID%2B7go%3D&reserved=0>

2.    P1 Representative - EBoard Position

.      P1 students are invited to apply for the P1 Representative position. This is a great way to get involved on an executive board and learn about SSHP from the inside out. The P1 Representative handles social media for SSHP as well as advertising our events to the P1 class. The Representative is expected to attend biweekly EBoard meetings. More information about this position will be provided at our first General Body Meeting.

a.    If you are interested in applying, please email pitt.sshp at gmail.com<mailto:pitt.sshp at gmail.com> by 9/16/20 at 11:59pm.

3.    First General Body Meeting

.      Our chapter’s first meeting will be held virtually on 9/9/20 at 5:00pm. This meeting is open to everyone in the School of Pharmacy. We will provide an overview of what SSHP is, explain membership, and share how to become more involved with SSHP.

a.    https://pitt.zoom.us/j/95971380485<https://nam05.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpitt.zoom.us%2Fj%2F95971380485&data=02%7C01%7Csmm198%40pitt.edu%7C165c71f7a6df4a014c2708d8485c4f9b%7C9ef9f489e0a04eeb87cc3a526112fd0d%7C1%7C0%7C637338908588112405&sdata=NrKPs5cTtszsJpgFWOYX71xN1d6i%2BgfQh7SOfioKlQk%3D&reserved=0>

4.    Residency 101 Info Session

.      This year we are excited to virtually host a panel of pharmacists who will provide an overview of pharmacy residencies. This session is geared towards P1, P2, & P3 students who want to explore their options for residency preparation. It is open to everyone in the School of Pharmacy. This session will occur on 9/17/20 at 6:30pm.

a.    https://pitt.zoom.us/j/97356709552<https://nam05.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpitt.zoom.us%2Fj%2F97356709552&data=02%7C01%7Csmm198%40pitt.edu%7C165c71f7a6df4a014c2708d8485c4f9b%7C9ef9f489e0a04eeb87cc3a526112fd0d%7C1%7C0%7C637338908588112405&sdata=LH5sEaBiG8YiG3ZoOktrbi%2BhYWtqDkrBBEGpSR23uWA%3D&reserved=0>

5.    Residency 101 Question Submission

.      Please feel free to submit questions you might have for the pharmacists at the Residency 101 panel. We will use these questions to compile a list of talking points for the pharmacists. You will also have the opportunity to ask questions in person during the session. Fill out this form by 9/12/20 at 11:59pm.

a.    https://forms.gle/5qKpgkQYDju7wzok9<https://nam05.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fforms.gle%2F5qKpgkQYDju7wzok9&data=02%7C01%7Csmm198%40pitt.edu%7C165c71f7a6df4a014c2708d8485c4f9b%7C9ef9f489e0a04eeb87cc3a526112fd0d%7C1%7C0%7C637338908588122404&sdata=tXnb5e2HILAeXaflaNaAV3yKftICha0PvZMkwYG5OOU%3D&reserved=0>

6.    Resident Networking Session

.      We are thrilled to have invited current PGY1 residents to sit on a virtual panel to provide real-world advice to students preparing to apply for residency. This session is intended for P4s who want to network with current residents, but all students are invited to attend. This event is open to everyone in the School of Pharmacy. The session will occur on 10/1/20 at 6:30pm.

a.    https://pitt.zoom.us/j/91402725540<https://nam05.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpitt.zoom.us%2Fj%2F91402725540&data=02%7C01%7Csmm198%40pitt.edu%7C165c71f7a6df4a014c2708d8485c4f9b%7C9ef9f489e0a04eeb87cc3a526112fd0d%7C1%7C0%7C637338908588122404&sdata=5yY6%2FcHZnQb%2BwSSQKblO6IEhdL7KFP7Q1hgmuW%2BOHVM%3D&reserved=0>

7.    Clinical Skills Competition

.      SSHP members have the opportunity to participate in our annual (virtual) Clinical Skills Competition. Students work in teams of two to solve a patient case and make clinical decisions. Top teams, as voted by a panel of faculty judges, will defend their cases for the opportunity to win free registration to ASHP Midyear. More information will follow, but please save the dates: 10/7/20 6-9pm (everyone) and 10/8/20 12-1pm (top 3 teams).

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