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[Rx2021] Thank you to all who gave! We did win a prize!

Kroboth, Patricia D pkroboth at
Fri Mar 1 08:55:00 EST 2019

Thank you to the 250 people who gave to the Pitt Day of Giving!  Your gifts give us opportunities to support people and projects for which other funds are not available.


.  won $250 for the third highest numbers of gifts between noon and 1 p.m.

.  came in #6 in absolute number of unique donors and exceeded last year's total number of donors.

.  receive as of yet an unknown dollar amount in gifts.

Yes, we were #1 in the past two years, when the prizes were awarded on the basis of percentage (some relationshi of alums and school size).

For comparison:

To make it to the #3 position in gifts, we would have needed to exceed 395 unique donors.  The numbers are not available to tell how many additional donors would have been needed to get to the #1 place for a single hour of giving and the $1000 prize.

As a member of PittPharmacy and the broader Pitt community, I a proud of our turnout for the event and that the University of Pittsburgh generated $4.2 million as a result of the Day of Giving.

Thank you all!

Hail to PittPharmacy!  and



Patricia D. Kroboth, Dean
School of Pharmacy
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