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[Rx2021] TimeTree App

Kashkoush, Mohamed Adam mokashkoush at
Wed Jan 31 10:17:41 EST 2018

Good morning everybody,

As I mentioned before the white coat ceremony and at the beginning of the year, I am considering the TimeTree app as the new way of delivering weekly assignment reports (I will still send weekly emails for announcements, the app is just for assignment/exam management). This is because of a few benefits that the app offers compared to the current reports:

  1.  Organization. You can view assignments not only for the upcoming week, but for the whole semester (it is basically a calendar with all assignments placed on their due dates). Additionally, all of the assignments are color-coded by class so it is easy to follow.
  2.  Personalization. You only have to view the classes you are enrolled in. There is 1 general calendar for everyone, and 2 separate calendars for Biochem and A&P since some people are exempt.
  3.  Notifications. An included feature is notifications, which can alert you before assignments are due or if new assignments are added. That being said, if you don't want notifications, you can turn them off.
  4.  Flexibility. It can be viewed both on mobile and computer interfaces. If you have a smartphone, you can easily and quickly view your assignments when you are away from your computer. If you do not have a smartphone, you won't be missing out either!

On the other hand, some people who have tried the app over the past two months prefer the current format. We want to address these concerns, but are still unsure of two things:

  1.  Why: What specifically are the concerns? Are there fundamental flaws in the app itself, or are the concerns because of factors that can be addressed by helping with the transition (confusion, notification management, IT support, etc.)? In other words, do the reasons for using the app outweigh the reasons not to use it?
  2.  How many: What does the class as a whole think of making this transition? How many people have concerns?

We are using a 2-part experiment to address these two uncertainties so that we can make the best decision for the class moving forward, as well as to determine if the app is a viable tool for future classes to use:

  1.  Test the app as a standalone assignment management system during a 3-week testing period from February 12th - March 2nd. This Friday, I will still send out a Excel/Google Sheet file for the week of February 5th-9th, so that everybody will have 2 weeks to sign up for the app. However, during the subsequent  3-week period, only the app and email-announcements will be available.
  2.  Survey the class both before and after the 3-week testing period to understand a) how the class feels about the app now and b) if the app should be fully utilized in the future.

Please fill out the pre-testing survey so that we can better understand any current opinions on the app:

I will post instructions for how to sign up for TimeTree on the class Facebook page. As always, please feel free to reach out with any questions, comments, or concerns about anything discussed in this email.

Best wishes,

Mo Kashkoush, B.S.
University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy
PharmD Student | Class of 2021
Email: mokashkoush at
Cell: (484) 387-0627
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