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[Rx2021] APhA-ASP Elections

Mannino, Suzanne M smm198 at
Wed Jan 10 14:52:01 EST 2018

Hi everyone!

Welcome back! APhA-ASP will be having elections for our Executive Board within the next few weeks. As stated at our January GBM, there are many positions available for both P1s and P2s for the 2018-2019 school year. Certain positions are elected at our February 7th GBM while some positions are appointed by our current executive board after an interview at a date TBD. Below are a summary of positions elected and appointed as well as who can run for each position:

Elected: requires a 1 minute speech at February 7 GBM
President-Elect: P1**
Policy VP-Elect (also President-Elect of PPA): P1
International VP: P1, P2
interprofessional VP: P1, P2

Appointed: interview required
Patient Care VP-Elect: P1**
Finance VP-Elect: P1
Membership VP: P1, P2
Communications VP: P1, P2

**required to attend APhA Annual in Nashville, TN

Current Executive Board Members:
President: Sarah Hunt
President-Elect: Katie Rudzik
Policy VP: Phil Kappes
Policy VP-Elect: Abby Kois
Patient Care VP: Kaitlyn Burkett
Patient Care VP-Elect: Kimberly Hill
Finance VP: Ben Yoder
Finance VP-Elect: Danielle Snyder
International VP: Niha Idrees
Interprofessional VP: Erika Lebakken
Membership VP: Olivia Berger
Communications VP: Mikhaila Rice

If you are considering running for any of these positions, I encourage you to reach out to the current executive board member that holds that position for more information. Please remember you can only run for one executive board position so please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns! You MUST email the APhA-ASP at pitt.aphaasp.eboard at<mailto:pitt.aphaasp.eboard at> if you are interested in running for a position with the following information by Friday, January 26:
- Your Name and Year
- Your Pitt email
- The position you are running for
- Why you are running for this position
- A professional picture (if an elected position)
- A short bio for our members to read ahead of time (if an elected position)

Here is the link to the PowerPoint from the January GBM with additional information:

Please feel free to reach out to me or anyone on Eboard with any questions or concerns.

Thank you!

Katelyn Rudzik

University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy

PharmD Student, Class of 2020

Chapter President-Elect, APhA-ASP

knr20 at<mailto:knr20 at> | Cell: (412)584-8488
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