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[Rx2021] Pharmacy Innovation Lab - Summer 2018

Patel, Ravi Mahendra RaviPatel at
Fri Apr 20 10:45:41 EDT 2018

Good morning,

Happy end of the semester! Just an update of opportunities from your friendly neighborhood innovation lab for the upcoming summer:

  *   Summer Planning/Info Session - Thursday April 26th 4-6pm, Salk Hall (Please RSVP to provide an accurate estimate of food) - Come share your thoughts on what you'd want to see/hear/learn over the summer with other students and alums of the program
  *   Innovation Case Series - Discuss with alums and leaders in various fields about successes of new ideas/changes in their field and how they view their future. Locations not required to be in Pittsburgh (planning to simultaneously cast via Skype).
  *   Course - Data Management with Python, learn concepts in methods of working with data using Python programming language. No previous programming experience necessary  (just a willingness to learn), tentatively planned for Tues evenings. Email with any intents/interests
Also for the Fall, consider our Electives:

  *   Pharmacy Innovation 1 - Methods in problem solving and creativity using the Design Thinking Method. In the method of "Show, Don't Tell" to work through multiple versions of solutions to problems. In addition to discussion, course experiences include guest speaks and potential trips to various locations in Pittsburgh to see first hand the environments that nurture the development of "new and useful" ideas.
  *   Pharmacy Intrapreneurship - Students discuss the possible answers the question “what does it mean for an organization to ‘manage’ innovation”? This will include consideration of (i) How small nimble teams can overwhelm large incumbent departments through speed and execution (ii) the sources of innovation in corporations (from lab to open innovation); (iii) motivating technical or and/creative professionals.
If any of these sound interesting to you, please don't hesitate to let us know. Summer is a great chance to recharge, learn from new experiences, and come up with great ideas. Be sure to share any thought/ideas you may have. Good luck on finals week and we hope to see you soon!


Ravi Patel, PharmD
School of Pharmacy
University of Pittsburgh
412-326-9213<> | Twitter<>

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