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[New Funding Information] Funding News Aug 1 2016

Champagne, Ryan Keane rkc12 at
Wed Aug 3 13:34:27 EDT 2016

The Office of Research Grants Development team curates a weekly listing of new and recently updated funding opportunities for the Pitt research community.

New items for the week of 1 August, 2016  are listed below or may be viewed online in the Pivot database at New Items 08 01 2016<>

View Competition Space<> for current limited submission and internal funding competitions.

Follow @PittGrantsDev<> on Twitter for current funding updates!





National Science Foundation (NSF)
Directorate for Geosciences (GEO)
Division of Earth Sciences (EAR)


  13 Jan 2017- Confirmed / sponsor Second Friday in January, Annually Thereafter
Note: All submissions are due by 5 p.m. proposer's local time.

Rock Mechanics
Science Education
Earth Sciences
Structural Geology

National Science Foundation (NSF)
Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS)
Division of Mathematical Sciences (DMS)

Algebra and Number Theory

  14 Oct 2016- Confirmed / sponsor Full Proposal Target Date:  October 14, 2016;

Second Friday of October;

Second Friday in October, Annually Thereafter
  31 Oct 2016- Confirmed / sponsor For conference proposals with budgets not exceeding $50,000, which in accordance with NSF policy can be reviewed internally at NSF, the following target dates are in effect: For an event that will take place at some time prior to October 1 during a given year, the proposal should be submitted in October of the previous year.
  01 May 2017- Confirmed / sponsor For conference proposals with budgets not exceeding $50,000, which in accordance with NSF policy can be reviewed internally at NSF, the following target dates are in effect: For an event that will occur in the period October 1 through December 31 of a given year, the proposal should be submitted in May of that year.

Number Theory

United States Department of Commerce (DOC)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries)

Saltonstall-Kennedy Grant Program

  01 Jan 2016- Confirmed / sponsor
  09 Dec 2016- Confirmed / sponsor

 Agricultural Marketing
Fish and Fisheries
Agricultural Conservation
Sustainable Agriculture
Agricultural Economics
Aquaculture or Hydroponics

National Foundation for the Arts and the Humanities
National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)
Division of Research Programs

Collaborative Research Grants

  07 Dec 2016- Confirmed / sponsor Updated guidelines will be posted at least two months in advance of the deadline listed. The deadline is confirmed now to allow prospective applicants to start preparing their applications. When guidelines are posted the information in this record will be updated to reflect that.

Arts and Humanities
Social Science - Humanistic Emphasis
Science - Humanistic Emphasis
History of Medicine
General Humanities Topics
History of Science and Technology

National Science Foundation (NSF)
Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS)
Division of Mathematical Sciences (DMS)

Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (MSPRF)

  19 Oct 2016- Confirmed / sponsor Full Proposal Deadline Date: October 19, 2016. And Third Wednesday in October, Annually Thereafter


Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)

National Leadership Grants for Libraries

  01 Sep 2016- Confirmed / sponsor
  13 Jan 2017- Confirmed / sponsor
  02 Feb 2017- Anticipated / sponsor
  01 Jun 2017- Anticipated / sponsor

 Library Technical Services
Early Childhood or Preschool Education
Library Management
Library Technology
Digital Libraries
Mathematics Education
Science Education
Archival Program
Library Science
Archival Preservation

National Gallery of Art (NGA)
Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts (CASVA)

Senior Fellowship Program

  15 Oct 2016- Confirmed / sponsor

 Decorative Arts
Film or Cinema or Video
Visual Arts
History and Appreciation of Art
Landscape Architecture or Design
Arts Criticism

United States Department of Education (ED)
Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS)

Training of Interpreters for Individuals Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing and Individuals Who Are Deaf-Blind

  24 Aug 2016- Confirmed / sponsor

 Interpreting Services
American Sign Language

National Science Foundation (NSF)
Directorate for Geosciences (GEO)
Division of Earth Sciences (EAR)

Petrology and Geochemistry (CH)

  09 Jan 2017- Confirmed / sponsor This deadline is a target date, and will reoccur the second Monday in January, annually thereafter.
  14 Jul 2017- Confirmed / sponsor This deadline is a target date, and will reoccur the second Friday in July, annually thereafter.
Note: The target dates will occur annually on the second Monday of January and the second Friday of July. Proposals are expected to be submitted by the target date. If a PI intends to submit after the target date, s/he must get approval in advance from one of the Cognizant Program Officers to ascertain if a late proposal can be reviewed in the upcoming competition.

Earth Sciences
Isotope Geochemistry
High Temperature Chemistry

Smithsonian Institution (SI)
National Zoological Park

Friends of the National Zoo - Communications/Smithsonian ZooGoer Editorial Internship

  15 Oct 2016- Confirmed / sponsor Deadline for the spring internship, which begins in January.
  15 Feb 2017- Confirmed / sponsor Deadline for the summer internship, which begins in May.
  15 Jun 2017- Confirmed / sponsor Deadline for the fall internship, which begins in September.

Writing or Composition Education
Zoological Park
Editorial Projects

United States Department of Commerce (DOC)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries)

John H. Prescott Marine Mammal Rescue Assistance Grant Program (Prescott Grant Program) for Fiscal Year 2017

  05 Oct 2016- Confirmed / sponsor

 Conservation Biology
Marine Zoology
Animal Welfare

National Science Foundation (NSF)
Directorate for Geosciences (GEO)
Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS)

Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM)

  15 Oct 2016- Confirmed / sponsor October 15, Annually

Solar Phenomena
Atmospheric Sciences
Magnetospheric Phenomena
Atmospheric Physics
Atmospheric Models

National Science Foundation (NSF)
Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS)
Division of Materials Research (DMR)

Electronic and Photonic Materials (EPM)

  31 Oct 2016- Confirmed / sponsor Full Proposal Window:  September 1 - October 31, Annually Thereafter, unless the deadline falls on a weekend.
Note: The submission window applies to unsolicited proposals submitted to DMR programs, except for the following which may be submitted at any time during the year: Grants for Rapid Response Research (RAPID), EArly-concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER), proposals for workshops or conferences, proposals to the DMR National Facilities Program, and supplements to existing grants. For proposals submitted in response to special announcements or solicitations, the deadline dates specified in the announcement or solicitation apply.

Electronic Materials
Crystal Growth
Optical Materials
Thin Films
Nanostructured Materials

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
National Research Council (NRC) - USA
Policy and Global Affairs
Fellowship Programs Unit

Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowships

  13 Nov 2016- Anticipated / sponsor
  08 Jan 2017- Anticipated / sponsor Supplementary materials submission deadline.
Note: The 2017 Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship competition will open in September 2016.

American Studies
Cultural or Population Studies
Chemical Sciences
Performing Arts
Earth Sciences
Religious Studies
Peace, Disarmament, or Amnesty
Computer and Information Sciences
Native American History
Linguistics or Philology
History and Appreciation of Art
Native Americans
Musicology or Music Theory
Women's Studies
Life Sciences
Political Science
African-American Studies
Social Justice
Ethnic Studies
Area Studies
International Relations or Diplomacy
Language or Literature
Urban Planning or Policy
Native American Language or Literature

National Foundation for the Arts and the Humanities
National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)
Division of Research Programs

Scholarly Editions and Translations Grants

  07 Dec 2016- Confirmed / sponsor Updated guidelines will be posted at least two months in advance of the deadline listed. The deadline is confirmed now to allow prospective applicants to start preparing their applications. When guidelines are posted the information in this record will be updated to reflect that.

Editorial Projects

Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)

Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program (LB21)

  01 Sep 2016- Confirmed / sponsor
  13 Jan 2017- Confirmed / sponsor

 Library Science

Borchard Foundation Center on Law & Aging

Academic Research Grant Program

  15 Oct 2016- Confirmed / sponsor Applications must be submitted online. If any documents need to be mailed, they must be postmarked no later than the due date.

Quality of Life Program
Public Policy
Senior Citizen Service Programs

United States Department of Commerce (DOC)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR)

FY 2017 Climate Program Office

  24 Aug 2016- Confirmed / sponsor Letters of intent (LOIs) for all competitions (with the exception of the two MAPP Program competitions) should be received by email by 5:00 p.m. ET
  26 Aug 2016- Confirmed / sponsor Letters of Intent for the two MAPP Program competitions should be received by email 5:00 p.m. ET.
  24 Oct 2016- Confirmed / sponsor Full applications for all competitions (with the exception of the two MAPP Program competitions) must be received by 5:00 p.m. ET.
  31 Oct 2016- Confirmed / sponsor Full applications for the two MAPP Program competitions must be received by 5:00 p.m. ET.
Note: A response to the LOI from the Competition Manager (e-mail or letter) will be sent to the investigator within four weeks after the LOI's due date encouraging or discouraging a full application based on its relevance to the targeted Competition.

Atmospheric Sciences
Weather Prediction or Forecasting
Climate Change

United States Department of Energy (DOE)
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)

NNSA Graduate Program (Nonproliferation Graduate Fellowship Program) (NGFP)

  03 Oct 2016- Confirmed / sponsor

 National Security
Nuclear Weapons Safety
Nuclear Explosion Detection
Nuclear Safety
Peace, Disarmament, or Amnesty
International Security

United States Department of Energy (DOE)
Office of Science (OS)

Early Career Research Program

  08 Sep 2016- Confirmed / sponsor
  14 Nov 2016- Confirmed / sponsor
Note: The Office of Science encourages applicants to register in all systems as soon as possible. Applicants are also encouraged to submit letters of intent, pre-applications, and applications well before the deadline.

Questions regarding the specific program areas/technical requirements can be directed to the program managers listed for each program within the FOA.

DOE is striving to make selections under this program within 6 months.

Radiation Effects (Medical)
Microbial Ecology
Biological Materials
Plasma Physics
Systems Biology
Plasma Fusion
Chemical Sciences
High Energy Physics
Biological Sciences
Molecular Epidemiology
Neutron Scattering
Computer and Information Sciences
Materials Sciences
Nuclear Fusion
Physical Biology
Applied Mathematics
Molecular Biology
Energy Sciences
Particle Detectors
Particle Accelerators
Radiation Effects on Materials
Molecular Chemistry
Nuclear Physics
Tropical Forestry
Environmental Sciences
Climate Change
Radiation Effects
Condensed Matter Physics
Fusion Technology
Electron Microscopy
Molecular Biochemistry
Chemical Physics
Materials Chemistry

United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)

Selected Topics in Transfusion Medicine (R21)

  16 Oct 2016- Confirmed / sponsor New applications are due.
  16 Nov 2016- Confirmed / sponsor Resubmission and revision applications are due.
  07 Jan 2017- Confirmed / sponsor AIDS and AIDS-related applications are due.
Note: The expiration date is January 8, 2017.

Blood or Blood Products or Transfusions

United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Fogarty International Center (FIC)

International Research Scientist Development Award (IRSDA) (K01)

  02 Mar 2017- Confirmed / sponsor
  02 Mar 2018- Confirmed / sponsor
Note: The expiration date is March 8, 2018.

Health or Nutrition Programs - Developing Countries
International Health

United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)

Alcohol Use Disorders: Behavioral Treatment, Services and Recovery Research (R21)

  07 Sep 2016- Confirmed / sponsor AIDS and AIDS-related applications are due.
  16 Oct 2016- Confirmed / sponsor New applications are due.
  16 Nov 2016- Confirmed / sponsor Resubmission and revision applications are due.
  07 Jan 2017- Confirmed / sponsor AIDS and AIDS-related applications are due.
  16 Feb 2017- Confirmed / sponsor New applications are due.
  16 Mar 2017- Confirmed / sponsor Resubmission and revision applications are due.
  07 May 2017- Confirmed / sponsor AIDS and AIDS-related applications are due.
  16 Jun 2017- Confirmed / sponsor New applications are due.
 16 Jul 2017- Confirmed / sponsor Resubmission and revision applications are due.
Note: Optional LOIs are due 30 days before application submission due dates.

The open date (earliest submission date) is September 16, 2015. The expiration date is September 8, 2018.

Alcohol or Alcoholism
Alcoholism Treatment

United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR)

Health Promotion Among Racial and Ethnic Minority Males (R21)

  07 Sep 2016- Confirmed / sponsor AIDS and AIDS-related applications are due.
Note: The expiration date is September 8, 2016.

Men's Health
Minority Health

United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

Early Career Award in Chemistry of Drug Abuse and Addiction (ECHEM)  (R21/R33)

  07 May 2017- Confirmed / sponsor AIDS and AIDS-related applications are due.
Note: The expiration date is September 8, 2016.

Lipid Metabolism
Substance Abuse
Metabolic Biology
Chemical Sciences
Drug Abuse Treatment

United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

Grand Opportunity in Medications Development for Substance-Use Disorders (U01)

  07 Sep 2016- Confirmed / sponsor AIDS and AIDS-related applications are due.
Note: Optional LOIs are due 30 days before the application due date.

The expiration date is September 8, 2016.

Substance Abuse

United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)

Translational Research in Pediatric and Obstetric Pharmacology and Therapeutics (R21)

  16 Aug 2016- Confirmed / sponsor
Note: Optional LOIs are due 30 days prior to the applicable receipt date.

The expiration date is August 17, 2016.

Therapy Evaluation
Obstetrics or Gynecology
Child or Maternal Health
Drug Design
Clinical Research or Studies

United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)

Translational Research in Pediatric and Obstetric Pharmacology and Therapeutics (R01)

  16 Aug 2016- Confirmed / sponsor
Note: Optional LOIs are due 30 days prior to the applicable receipt date.

The expiration date is August 17, 2016.

Therapy Evaluation
Obstetrics or Gynecology
Child or Maternal Health
Drug Design
Clinical Research or Studies

United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)

Translational Research in Pediatric and Obstetric Pharmacology and Therapeutics (R03)

  16 Aug 2016- Confirmed / sponsor
Note: Optional LOIs are due 30 days prior to the applicable receipt dates.

The expiration date is August 17, 2016.

Therapy Evaluation
Obstetrics or Gynecology
Child or Maternal Health
Drug Design
Clinical Research or Studies

United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications (ELSI) of Genomic Research Exploratory/Developmental Research Program (R21)

  16 Oct 2016- Confirmed / sponsor New applications are due.
  16 Nov 2016- Confirmed / sponsor Resubmission and revision applications are due.
  16 Feb 2017- Confirmed / sponsor New applications are due.
  16 Mar 2017- Confirmed / sponsor Resubmission and revision applications are due.
  16 Jun 2017- Confirmed / sponsor New applications are due.
  16 Jul 2017- Confirmed / sponsor Resubmission and revision applications are due.
  16 Jul 2017- Confirmed / sponsor Resubmission and revision applications are due.
Note: The expiration date is September 8, 2017.

Medical Ethics
Human Genome

United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)

Pregnancy in Women With Disabilities (R21)

  16 Oct 2016- Confirmed / sponsor All types of new non-AIDS applications are due.
  16 Nov 2016- Confirmed / sponsor All types of resubmission and revision  non-AIDS applications are due.
Note: Optional LOIs are due 30 days before the application due dates.

The expiration date is January 8, 2017.

Women's Health
Developmental Disabilities
Disabled Assistive Technology
Child or Maternal Health
Disabled Social or Recreation Services
Prenatal Care
Parent Education

United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)

Systems Developmental Biology for Understanding Embryonic Development and the Ontogeny of Structural Birth Defects (R01)

  10 Nov 2016- Confirmed / sponsor
Note: Optional LOIs are due 30 days before the application due dates.

The expiration date is November 11, 2016.

Biological Sciences
Systems Biology
Embryonic Structures
Developmental Biology

United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
National Institute on Aging (NIA)

T2 Translational Research: Research Leading to New Health Care Practices, Community Programs and Policies Affecting Older Persons (R21)

  07 Sep 2016- Confirmed / sponsor AIDS and AIDS-related applications are due.
  16 Oct 2016- Confirmed / sponsor New applications are due.
  16 Nov 2016- Confirmed / sponsor Resubmission applications are due.
  07 Jan 2017- Confirmed / sponsor AIDS and AIDS-related applications are due.
  16 Feb 2017- Confirmed / sponsor New applications are due.
  16 Mar 2017- Confirmed / sponsor Resubmission applications are due.
  07 May 2017- Confirmed / sponsor AIDS and AIDS-related applications are due.
  16 Jun 2017- Confirmed / sponsor New applications are due.
  16 Jul 2017- Confirmed / sponsor Resubmission applications are due.
Note: This PAS expires September 8, 2018.

Health Care
Patient Care Management
Patient Care and Education
Elderly Patients

United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
National Institute on Aging (NIA)

T1 Translational Research: Novel Interventions for Prevention and Treatment of Age-related Conditions (R21)

  07 Sep 2016- Confirmed / sponsor AIDS and AIDS-related applications are due.
  16 Oct 2016- Confirmed / sponsor New applications are due.
  16 Nov 2016- Confirmed / sponsor Resubmission applications are due.
  07 Jan 2017- Confirmed / sponsor AIDS and AIDS-related applications are due.
  16 Feb 2017- Confirmed / sponsor New applications are due.
  16 Mar 2017- Confirmed / sponsor Resubmission applications are due.
  07 May 2017- Confirmed / sponsor AIDS and AIDS-related applications are due.
  16 Jun 2017- Confirmed / sponsor New applications are due.
  16 Jul 2017- Confirmed / sponsor Resubmission applications are due.
Note: This PAS expires September 8, 2018.

Elderly Patients
Biomedical Research (Multidisciplinary)

United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS)

Support of Competitive Research (SCORE) Research Advancement Award (SC1)

  07 Sep 2016- Confirmed / sponsor AIDS and AIDS-related applications are due.
Note: The expiration date is September 8, 2016.

Biomedical Engineering
Behavioral or Social Studies
Health and Medicine
Biomedical Research (Multidisciplinary)

United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS)

Support of Competitive Research (SCORE) Research Continuance Award (SC3)

  07 Sep 2016- Confirmed / sponsor AIDS and AIDS-related applications are due.
Note: The expiration date is September 8, 2016.

Biomedical Engineering
Behavioral or Social Studies
Health and Medicine
Biomedical Research (Multidisciplinary)

United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)

Molecular and Cellular Substrates of Complex Brain Disorders (R21)

  07 Sep 2016- Confirmed / sponsor All types of AIDS and AIDS-related applications allowed for this funding opportunity announcement are due.
  16 Oct 2016- Confirmed / sponsor All types of non-AIDS new applications allowed for this funding opportunity announcement are due.
  16 Nov 2016- Confirmed / sponsor All types of non-AIDS resubmission and revision applications allowed for this funding opportunity announcement are due.
  07 Jan 2017- Confirmed / sponsor All types of AIDS and AIDS-related applications allowed for this funding opportunity announcement are due.
  16 Feb 2017- Confirmed / sponsor All types of non-AIDS new applications allowed for this funding opportunity announcement are due.
  16 Mar 2017- Confirmed / sponsor All types of non-AIDS resubmission and revision applications allowed for this funding opportunity announcement are due.
  07 May 2017- Confirmed / sponsor All types of AIDS and AIDS-related applications allowed for this funding opportunity announcement are due.
  16 Jun 2017- Confirmed / sponsor All types of non-AIDS new applications allowed for this funding opportunity announcement are due.
  16 Jul 2017- Confirmed / sponsor All types of non-AIDS resubmission and revision applications allowed for this funding opportunity announcement are due.
Note: The expiration date is September 8, 2017.

Membrane Structure or Function
Neurological Disorders
Neurodegenerative Diseases
Brain Disorders
Synaptic Transmission
Proteins and Macromolecules

United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)

Development of Appropriate Pediatric Formulations and Drug Delivery Systems (R03)

  07 Sep 2016- Confirmed / sponsor AIDS and AIDS-related applications are due.
Note: Optional LOIs are due 30 days prior to the application due date(s).

The expiration date is September 8, 2016.

Drug Delivery Systems
Drug Design

United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

FDA Scientific Conference Grant Program (R13)

  12 Oct 2016- Confirmed / sponsor Prior approval (advance permission to apply) in the form of a Letter of Intent is required before submission of an application for conference support.
  12 Apr 2017- Confirmed / sponsor Prior approval (advance permission to apply) in the form of a Letter of Intent is required before submission of an application for conference support.
  12 Oct 2017- Confirmed / sponsor Prior approval (advance permission to apply) in the form of a Letter of Intent is required before submission of an application for conference support.
  12 Apr 2018- Confirmed / sponsor Prior approval (advance permission to apply) in the form of a Letter of Intent is required before submission of an application for conference support.
  12 Oct 2018- Confirmed / sponsor Prior approval (advance permission to apply) in the form of a Letter of Intent is required before submission of an application for conference support.
  12 Apr 2019- Confirmed / sponsor Prior approval (advance permission to apply) in the form of a Letter of Intent is required before submission of an application for conference support.
  11 Oct 2019- Confirmed / sponsor Prior approval (advance permission to apply) in the form of a Letter of Intent is required before submission of an application for conference support.
  Varies- Confirmed / sponsor Prior approval (advance permission to apply) in the form of a Letter of Intent is required before submission of an application for conference support. Advance permission to submit an application must be requested early in the process and must be submitted no later than 8 weeks before the selected application due date. Letter(s) of Intent received after 8 weeks prior to the application submission date will not be accepted.
Note: The expiration date is October 12, 2019.

Public Health
Food Sciences
Food Safety

Library of Congress (LOC)
John W. Kluge Center

Jay I. Kislak Fellowship for the Study of the History and Cultures of the Early Americas (Kislak Fellowship)

  15 Oct 2016- Confirmed / sponsor

 American Studies
Linguistics or Philology
Bibliographic Project

United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH)

Center of Excellence for Research on Complementary and Integrative Health (P01)

  07 Jan 2017- Confirmed / sponsor AIDS and AIDS-related applications are due.
  25 Jan 2017- Confirmed / sponsor New, renewal, resubmission, and revision applications are due.
  07 May 2017- Confirmed / sponsor AIDS and AIDS-related applications are due.
  25 May 2017- Confirmed / sponsor New, renewal, resubmission, and revision applications are due.
  07 Sep 2017- Confirmed / sponsor AIDS and AIDS-related applications are due.
  25 Sep 2017- Confirmed / sponsor New, renewal, resubmission, and revision applications are due.
Note: Optional Letter of Intent Due Date(s): 30 days prior to the application due date

The open date (earliest submission date) is December 25, 2016. The expiration date is January 8, 2020.

Holistic Medicine
Alternative Medicine

United States Department of Defense (DOD)
Department of the Air Force (USAF)
United States Air Force Academy (USAFA)

Project on Advanced Systems and Concepts for Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction (PASCC)

  09 Sep 2016- Confirmed / sponsor
  Continuous- Confirmed / sponsor This announcement remains open until superseded. White papers and proposals are reviewed and evaluated as they are received and may be submitted at any time; however, there is an initial preference for white papers over full applications/proposals. The white paper submission process is discussed in section IV of this BAA. Proposals will be due according to specific instructions contained in a separate RFP notice resulting from favorable white paper evaluations or calls issued against this BAA. Calls may be placed against this BAA and specific information related to due dates will be provided in each call.
  Varies- Confirmed / sponsor The due date for proposals will be 30 days after a formal request for proposal has been sent to the submitter of the selected white paper(s).

Biological Sciences
Defense Planning Policy
Public Policy
Political Science
National Security
Weapons of Mass Destruction
Chemical Sciences

United States Department of Energy (DOE)
Office of Science (OS)
Office of High Energy Physics (OHEP)

Research Opportunities in High Energy Physics

  23 Aug 2016- Confirmed / sponsor
  20 Sep 2016- Confirmed / sponsor

 Theoretical Physics
Particle Physics
Particle Detectors
High Energy Physics
Particle Accelerators

United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)

Health Services Research Demonstration and Dissemination Projects for Prevention and Management of Healthcare-Associated Infections (R18)

  25 Sep 2016- Confirmed / sponsor
Note: This PA expires September 26, 2016.

Disease Control
Health Services Delivery
Health Facilities Studies
Health Care Administration
Health Care
Infectious Diseases or Agents
Disease Prevention

National Science Foundation (NSF)
Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (SBE)
Division of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences (BCS)

Biological Anthropology Program - Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants  (BA-DDRIG)

  09 Mar 2017- Confirmed / sponsor
  09 Nov 2017- Confirmed / sponsor
  11 Jul 2018- Confirmed / sponsor
  14 Mar 2019- Confirmed / sponsor
  14 Nov 2019- Confirmed / sponsor
  09 Jul 2020- Confirmed / sponsor
Note: All deadline area at 5 p.m. proposer's local time.

Evolutionary Biology
Human Genome
Physical Anthropology

University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study (NDIAS)

Graduate Student Fellowships

  15 Oct 2016- Confirmed / sponsor

 Agriculture and Food Sciences
Life Sciences
Social Sciences
Arts and Humanities
Science and Society
Natural and Physical Sciences, Mathematics and Technology
Physical Sciences
Energy Sciences
Area Studies

United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
National Cancer Institute (NCI)

Utilizing the PLCO Biospecimens Resource to Bridge Gaps in Cancer Etiology and Early Detection Research (U01)

  16 Aug 2016- Confirmed / sponsor
  15 Feb 2017- Confirmed / sponsor
  15 Aug 2017- Confirmed / sponsor
  15 Feb 2018- Confirmed / sponsor
  15 Aug 2018- Confirmed / sponsor
Note: Optional LOIs are due 30 days before the application due date.

The open date (earliest submission date) is January 17, 2016. The expiration date is August 16, 2018.

Prostate Cancer
Cancer or Carcinogenesis
Colorectal Cancer
Ovarian Cancer
Lung Cancer
Biomedical Research Resources

United States Department of Energy (DOE)
Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy (ARPA-E)

ARPA-E Fellowships

  01 Sep 2016- Confirmed / sponsor
  15 Apr 2017- Anticipated / sponsor
Note: ARPA-E anticipates that hiring for the Fellows position will occur on a bi-annual basis, in the spring and late-fall.

ARPA-E will contact candidates of interest for an initial phone interview.

Operations Research
Civil Engineering
Petroleum Engineering
Energy Technology
Chemical Sciences
Biological Sciences
Earth Sciences
Computer and Information Sciences
Nuclear Engineering
Atmospheric Sciences
Architectural Engineering
Energy Sciences
Systems Engineering
Computer Engineering
Environmental Engineering

Smithsonian Institution (SI)
National Zoological Park

Veterinary Preceptorship

  17 Oct 2016- Confirmed / sponsor

Zoological Park
Medical Education
Veterinary Medicine

United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)

Implications of New Digital Media Use for Underage Drinking, Drinking-Related Behaviors, and Prevention Research (R21)

  07 Sep 2016- Confirmed / sponsor AIDS and AIDS-related applications are due.
Note: The expiration date is September 8, 2016.

Mass Media
Adolescent Health
Alcoholism Prevention
Behavioral Medicine

United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Behavioral and Social Science Research on Understanding and Reducing Health Disparities (R21)

  07 Sep 2016- Confirmed / sponsor AIDS and AIDS-related applications are due.
Note: The expiration date is September 8, 2016.

Rural Health
Public Health
Behavioral or Social Studies
Public Policy
Health Behavior
Health Care
Minority Health
Disease Prevention
Health of Underserved Populations

United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Mechanisms of Alcohol and Stimulant Co-Addiction (R21)

  07 Sep 2016- Confirmed / sponsor AIDS and AIDS-related applications are due.
  16 Oct 2016- Confirmed / sponsor New applications are due.
  16 Nov 2016- Confirmed / sponsor Resubmission and revision applications are due.
  07 Jan 2017- Confirmed / sponsor AIDS and AIDS-related applications are due.
Note: The expiration date is January 8, 2017.

Alcohol or Alcoholism
Substance Abuse
Behavioral or Social Studies
Behavioral Medicine

Smithsonian Institution (SI)
National Zoological Park

Asia Trail Keeper Internship

  Continuous- Confirmed / sponsor Beginning in 2016, the Asia Trail Animal Keeper Internship will run on a rolling schedule and interns will be accepted as positions become available throughout the year, with no specific application deadline.

Animal Nutrition
Zoological Park
Environmental Education
Animal Husbandry
Animal Welfare

United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR)

Establishing Outcome Measures for Clinical Studies of Oral and Craniofacial Diseases and Conditions (R21)

  07 Sep 2016- Confirmed / sponsor AIDS and AIDS-related applications are due.
  16 Oct 2016- Confirmed / sponsor New applications are due.
  16 Nov 2016- Confirmed / sponsor Resubmission applications are due.
  07 Jan 2017- Confirmed / sponsor AIDS and AIDS-related applications are due.
  16 Feb 2017- Confirmed / sponsor New applications are due.
  16 Mar 2017- Confirmed / sponsor Resubmission applications are due.
  07 May 2017- Confirmed / sponsor AIDS and AIDS-related applications are due.
  16 Jun 2017- Confirmed / sponsor New applications are due.
  16 Jul 2017- Confirmed / sponsor Resubmission applications are due.
Note: Optional LOIs are due 30 days before the application due dates.

The expiration date is September 8, 2018.

Oral Diseases
Craniofacial Disorders
Behavioral or Social Studies
Behavioral Medicine
Clinical Research or Studies
Preventive Dentistry
Outcomes Research (Medical)

United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM)

Exploratory Clinical Trials of Mind and Body Interventions for NCCAM High Priority Research Topics (R34)

  10 Jun 2016- Confirmed / sponsor New and resubmission applications are due.
  07 Sep 2016- Confirmed / sponsor AIDS and AIDS-related applications are due.
  09 Oct 2016- Confirmed / sponsor New and resubmission applications are due.
  11 Oct 2016- Confirmed / sponsor New and resubmission applications are due.
  07 Jan 2017- Confirmed / sponsor AIDS and AIDS-related applications are due.
  10 Feb 2017- Confirmed / sponsor New and resubmission applications are due.
  10 Feb 2017- Confirmed / sponsor New and resubmission applications are due.
  07 May 2017- Confirmed / sponsor AIDS and AIDS-related applications are due.
  10 Jun 2017- Confirmed / sponsor New and resubmission applications are due.
  10 Jun 2017- Confirmed / sponsor New and resubmission applications are due.
Note: The expiration date is September 8, 2017.

Clinical Trial
Alternative Medicine

United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

Workers' Compensation Surveillance

  29 Aug 2016- Confirmed / sponsor
Note: The expiration date is August 30, 2016.

Occupational Health and Safety
Surveys and Survey Research

United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

State Occupational Health and Safety  Surveillance Program (U60)

  15 Aug 2016- Confirmed / sponsor
  15 Sep 2016- Confirmed / sponsor
Note: The expiration date is September 16, 2016.

Occupational Health and Safety
Injury Prevention
Environment (Health or Safety or Medical)

United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)

Patient Safety in the Context of Perinatal, Neonatal, and Pediatric Care (R21)

  07 Sep 2016- Confirmed / sponsor All types of AIDS and AIDS-related applications allowed for this funding opportunity announcement are due.
  16 Oct 2016- Confirmed / sponsor All types of non-AIDS new applications allowed for this funding opportunity announcement are due.
  16 Nov 2016- Confirmed / sponsor All types of non-AIDS resubmission and revision applications allowed for this funding opportunity announcement are due.
  07 Jan 2017- Confirmed / sponsor All types of AIDS and AIDS-related applications allowed for this funding opportunity announcement are due.
  16 Feb 2017- Confirmed / sponsor All types of non-AIDS new applications allowed for this funding opportunity announcement are due.
  16 Mar 2017- Confirmed / sponsor All types of non-AIDS resubmission and revision applications allowed for this funding opportunity announcement are due.
  07 May 2017- Confirmed / sponsor All types of AIDS and AIDS-related applications allowed for this funding opportunity announcement are due.
  16 Jun 2017- Confirmed / sponsor All types of non-AIDS new applications allowed for this funding opportunity announcement are due.
  16 Jul 2017- Confirmed / sponsor All types of non-AIDS resubmission and revision applications allowed for this funding opportunity announcement are due.
Note: Optional LOIs are due 30 days before application due dates.

The expiration date is September 8, 2017.

Patient Care Management
Neonatal Disorders
Perinatal Disorders
Perinatal Health

United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)

Patient Safety in the Context of Perinatal, Neonatal, and Pediatric Care (R03)

  07 Sep 2016- Confirmed / sponsor All types of AIDS and AIDS-related applications allowed for this funding opportunity announcement are due.
  16 Oct 2016- Confirmed / sponsor All types of non-AIDS new applications allowed for this funding opportunity announcement are due.
  16 Nov 2016- Confirmed / sponsor All types of non-AIDS resubmission and revision applications allowed for this funding opportunity announcement are due.
  07 Jan 2017- Confirmed / sponsor All types of AIDS and AIDS-related applications allowed for this funding opportunity announcement are due.
  16 Feb 2017- Confirmed / sponsor All types of non-AIDS new applications allowed for this funding opportunity announcement are due.
  16 Mar 2017- Confirmed / sponsor All types of non-AIDS resubmission and revision applications allowed for this funding opportunity announcement are due.
  07 May 2017- Confirmed / sponsor All types of AIDS and AIDS-related applications allowed for this funding opportunity announcement are due.
  16 Jun 2017- Confirmed / sponsor All types of non-AIDS new applications allowed for this funding opportunity announcement are due.
  16 Jul 2017- Confirmed / sponsor All types of non-AIDS resubmission and revision applications allowed for this funding opportunity announcement are due.
Note: Optional LOIs are due 30 days before application due dates.

The expiration date is September 8, 2017.

Pediatric Surgery
Patient Care Management
Neonatal Disorders
Patient Care and Education
Perinatal Disorders
Perinatal Health

Novo Nordisk Fonden / Novo Nordisk Foundation

Exploratory Pre-Seed Grants

  05 Apr 2016- Confirmed / sponsor
  13 Oct 2016- Confirmed / sponsor
Note: Application system opens September 1, 2016

Medical Treatment
Medical Diagnosis
Life Sciences
Disease Prevention
Medical Devices
Biomedical Research (Multidisciplinary)

United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)

Pilot Services Research Grants Not Involving Interventions (R34)

  16 Oct 2016- Confirmed / sponsor New applications are due.
  16 Nov 2016- Confirmed / sponsor Resubmission and revision applications are due.
  16 Feb 2017- Confirmed / sponsor New applications are due.
  16 Mar 2017- Confirmed / sponsor Resubmission and revision applications are due.
  16 Jun 2017- Confirmed / sponsor New applications are due.
  16 Jul 2017- Confirmed / sponsor Resubmission and revision applications are due.
Note: Optional LOIs are due 30 days prior to application due date.

Expiration Date: September 8, 2018

Mental Health Services
Medical Informatics
Outcomes Research (Medical)
Mental Health
Medical Methodologies or Procedures
Program Evaluation (health sciences)

United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
National Cancer Institute (NCI)

Research Centers for Cancer Systems Biology Consortium (U54)

  09 Aug 2016- Confirmed / sponsor
  09 Sep 2016- Confirmed / sponsor
  20 Mar 2017- Confirmed / sponsor
  20 Apr 2017- Confirmed / sponsor
Note: The open dates (earliest submission dates) are August 9, 2016; and March 20, 2017. The expiration date is April 21, 2017.

Cancer or Carcinogenesis
Cancer Biology

Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE)

Building Performance Awards

  15 Sep 2016- Confirmed / sponsor

 Energy Efficiency
Construction Engineering
Engineering Education
Lighting System Design
Civil Engineering

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

International Future Energy Challenge

  14 Oct 2016- Confirmed / sponsor

 Energy Efficiency
Energy Technology
Electrical Engineering or Electronics
Energy Engineering
Electric Power Conversion

Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy


  31 Jan 2017- Confirmed / sponsor

 American History
Public Policy
Urban Studies
Social Sciences
Arts and Humanities
Natural and Physical Sciences, Mathematics and Technology
International Affairs
International Relations or Diplomacy
Mass Communication
Popular Culture
Social Welfare
Food Sciences
Criminal Justice
Health and Medicine
Energy Sciences

United States Department of Energy (DOE)
Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy (ARPA-E)

Rhizosphere Observations Optimizing Terrestrial Sequestration (ROOTS)

  08 Sep 2016- Confirmed / sponsor ARPA-E will encourage a subset of Applicants to submit Full Applications.
  26 May 2017- Anticipated / sponsor

 Crop Science
Plant Sciences
Soil Chemistry
Plant Breeding

United States Department of Energy (DOE)
Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy (ARPA-E)

Renewable Energy to Fuels Through Utilization of Energy-Dense Liquids (REFUEL)

 08 Sep 2016- Confirmed / sponsor In order to submit a Full Application, a compliant and responsive Concept Paper must have been submitted.
  25 May 2017- Anticipated / sponsor ARPA-E encouraged a subset of Applicants to submit Full Applications. Other Applicants were discouraged from submitting a Full Application in order to save them the time and expense of preparing application submission that is unlikely to be selected for award negotiations. By discouraging the submission of a Full Application, ARPA-E intended to convey its lack of programmatic interest in the proposed project. Such assessments do not necessarily reflect judgments on the merits of the proposed project. Unsuccessful Applicants should continue to submit innovative ideas and concepts to future FOAs.

Agriculture and Food Sciences
Renewable Energy
Energy Chemical Sciences
Energy Sciences
Renewable Energy Conversion Systems
Hydrogen and Synthetic Fuels
Alternative Fuels

United States Department of Energy (DOE)
Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy (ARPA-E)

Renewable Energy to Fuels Through Utilization of Energy-Dense Liquids (REFUEL) (SBIR/STTR)

  08 Sep 2016- Confirmed / sponsor
  25 May 2017- Anticipated / sponsor ARPA-E encouraged a subset of Applicants to submit Full Applications. Other Applicants were be discouraged from submitting a Full Application in order to save them the time and expense of preparing an application submission that is unlikely to be selected for award negotiations. By discouraging the submission of a Full Application, ARPA-E intends to convey its lack of programmatic interest in the proposed project. Such assessments do not necessarily reflect judgments on the merits of the proposed project. Unsuccessful Applicants should continue to submit innovative ideas and concepts to future FOAs.

Renewable Energy
Energy Chemical Sciences
Energy Sciences
Renewable Energy Conversion Systems
Hydrogen and Synthetic Fuels
Alternative Fuels

United States Department of Defense (DOD)
Department of the Army
U.S. Army Materiel Command (AMC)

Proof of Concept Commercialization Pilot Program

  15 Sep 2016- Confirmed / sponsor

 Military Sciences and Technology
Technology Transfer
University - Industrial Partnerships
Natural and Physical Sciences, Mathematics and Technology
Defense Technology
Business Education

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Science Mission Directorate (SMD)

ROSES 2016: Weather and Atmospheric Dynamics

  15 Sep 2016- Confirmed / sponsor

Tropical Cyclone Motion
Atmospheric Sciences
Tropical Zone
Natural and Physical Sciences, Mathematics and Technology
Weather Prediction or Forecasting
Atmospheric Structure and Dynamics

Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS)

Social Innovation Fund Pay for Success Administrative Data Pilot

  01 Aug 2016- Confirmed / sponsor
  23 Aug 2016- Confirmed / sponsor

 Community Health
Youth Employment Opportunity Programs
Community Development or Revitalization
Minorities and Disadvantaged
Employment Opportunity Program
Juvenile Delinquency
Youth Development or Leadership

National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Office of Presidential Libraries
Harry S. Truman Library Institute for National and International Affairs

Research Grants and John K. Hulston Scholarship

  01 Oct 2016- Confirmed / sponsor Fall Deadline for Research Grants.
  01 Apr 2017- Confirmed / sponsor Spring Deadline for Research Grants.
  01 Apr 2017- Confirmed / sponsor Spring deadline for John K. Hulston Scholarship.

Twentieth Century History
International Affairs
Public Policy
International Relations or Diplomacy

United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Democratic Republic of the Congo USAID-Kinshasa

Integrated HIV/AIDS Program (IHAP)

  01 Sep 2016- Confirmed / sponsor

 Health Services Delivery
Health or Nutrition Programs - Developing Countries
Health and Medicine
Health of Underserved Populations

United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)

Revolutionizing Innovative, Visionary Environmental Health Research (RIVER) (R35)

  24 Sep 2016- Confirmed / sponsor
  24 Oct 2016- Confirmed / sponsor

 Environmental Health
Environmental Medicine
Health and Medicine

United States Department of Education (ED)
Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS)
Office of Special Education Programs (OSERS/OSEP)

National Technical Assistance Center to Increase the Participation and Improve the Performance of Students with Disabilities on State and Districtwide Assessments

  22 Aug 2016- Confirmed / sponsor

 Special Education
Precollegiate Education - Special Education
Disabled Education
Academic Achievement

United States Department of State (DOS)
U.S. Mission to India

Viral Videos on Climate Change

  22 Sep 2016- Confirmed / sponsor

 Science and Society
Fossil Energy
Science Communication
Climate Change

United States Department of State (DOS)
U.S. Mission to India

Workshop On Trafficking in Persons: Amplifying Lessons from Swaraksha Caravan

  22 Sep 2016- Confirmed / sponsor

 Human Trafficking

United States Department of Defense (DOD)
Department of the Air Force (USAF)
Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR)

Air Force Defense Research Sciences Conference and Workshop Support

  01 Aug 2017- Confirmed / sponsor Proposals must be submitted at least six (6) months prior to the conference or workshop start date to be considered. This announcement remains open until superseded or closed. We review and evaluate proposals as they are received. You may submit proposals at any time.

Military Sciences and Technology
Defense Technology

United States Department of State (DOS)

Effective Communication Strategies to Prevent and Counter Violence Against Women

  22 Sep 2016- Confirmed / sponsor

 Public Affairs
Mass Communication
Gender Issues
Sociology of Sex and Gender

United States Department of Defense (DOD)
Department of the Army
Army Contracting Command

Collaborative Research for Enhanced Academic-TTCP Engagement (CREATE)

  15 Sep 2016-  / sponsor a. Applications must be received by 4:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, September 15, 2016.

Military Sciences and Technology
Military Tactics or Combat

United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
National Institute on Aging (NIA)

Alzheimer's Clinical Trials Consortium (ACTC) (U24)

  02 Jan 2017- Confirmed / sponsor
  02 Feb 2017- Confirmed / sponsor

 Medical Treatment
Disease Symptoms
Clinical Trial
Alzheimer's Disease

United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)

Limited Competition: Clinical Research Investigator Supplement (CRIS) for the Maternal Fetal Medicine Units (MFMU) Network and the Neonatal Research Network (NRN) (Admin Supp)

 10 Oct 2016- Confirmed / sponsor

 Clinical Research or Studies
Obstetrics or Gynecology
Child or Maternal Health

National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)

Access to Historical Records - Archival Projects

  06 Dec 2016- Confirmed / sponsor

 Archival Program
Library Science
Archival Preservation
Historic Preservation

United States Department of Commerce (DOC)

Administrative Data and Data Linkages Research Program

  31 Aug 2016- Confirmed / sponsor

 National Planning or Policy
Economic Development
Population Sciences
Program Evaluation (social sciences)
Database Management
Computer Security
Computer and Information Sciences
Information or Data Centers
Public Policy
Applied Statistics
Data Systems
Urban Planning or Policy
Public Policy Systems Analysis

United States Department of State (DOS)
Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (DRL)

Online Censorship Measurement to Support Internet Freedom

  22 Sep 2016- Confirmed / sponsor

Precision or Measurement Science
Internet or World Wide Web (WWW)
Civil or Human Rights

United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response

Sector Information Sharing and Analysis Organization (ISAO)

  25 Aug 2016- Confirmed / sponsor

 Communications Technology
Information Technology
Public Health
Computer Security
Health Care

National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC)

Access to Historical Records - Major Initiatives

  19 Jan 2017- Confirmed / sponsor
  12 Jul 2017- Confirmed / sponsor

 American History
Archival Program
Historical Documents

United States Department of Commerce (DOC)
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

Disaster Resilience (DR) Research Grants Program

  23 Sep 2016- Confirmed / sponsor

 Architectural Design
Structural Engineering
Construction Engineering
Building Infrastructure
Earthquake Engineering
Architectural Engineering
Precision or Measurement Science

United States Department of Energy (DOE)
Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE)
Golden Field Office (GFO)

HydroNEXT: Innovative Technologies to Advance Non-Powered Dam and Pumped-Storage Hydropower Development

  25 Aug 2016- Confirmed / sponsor
  07 Oct 2016- Confirmed / sponsor

Electric Power Generation
Dams and Earth Structures

United States Department of Energy (DOE)
Office of Science (OS)

Measurement Innovations for Magnetic Fusion Systems

  26 Aug 2016- Confirmed / sponsor
  20 Oct 2016- Confirmed / sponsor

 Diagnostic Monitoring Systems
Magnetic Fusion Computation
Energy Sciences
Plasma Fusion
Precision or Measurement Science

United States Department of Education (ED)

OCTAE: Providing High-Quality Career and Technical Education Programs for Underserved, High-Need Youth Through a  Pay for Success Model CFDA Number 84.051

  25 Aug 2016- Confirmed / sponsor

 Vocational or Technical Education
Career Education and Planning
Minorities and Disadvantaged
Children or Youth

United States Department of State (DOS)
Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL)

Tunisia Women's Police Association

  25 Sep 2016- Confirmed / sponsor

 Equal Opportunity
Professional Development
Public Relations
Community or Outreach Programs
Women or Minorities Labor Markets
Employment Opportunity Program

United States Department of Defense (DOD)
Department of the Army
U.S. Army Materiel Command (AMC)

Robots in Manufacturing Environments Manufacturing Innovation Institute (RIME-MII)

  01 Sep 2016- Confirmed / sponsor The deadline for receipt of Concept Papers is no later than 3:00 PM local Durham, NC time on Thursday, 1 September 2016. Applicants with the most highly rated concept papers should expect to receive an invitation in mid-late September 2016 to submit a Proposal.

Software Engineering
Industrial Robotics
Artificial Intelligence or Cybernetics
Manufacturing (Mechanical Engineering)
Materials Sciences
Manufacturing Engineering

United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

Education for Deaf and Blind Children in Mali

  29 Sep 2016- Confirmed / sponsor
Note: Organizations may submit more than one concept paper, but not more than three. Each paper may respond to one or a number of the project objectives.

Equal Educational Opportunity
Deaf Education
Reading Education
Women's Education
Disabled Education
STEM Education

United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Office of Air and Radiation (OAR)

Modeling of Climate Change Mitigation, Impacts and Adaptation

  12 Sep 2016- Confirmed / sponsor Due 4:00 PM ET

Economic Policy
Environmental Planning or Policy
Air Pollution
Environmental Restoration or Remediation
International Economics
Environmental Effects (Fossil Energy)
Global Change
Climate Change
Greenhouse Gases
Economic Analysis
Computer Simulation or Modeling
Energy Sciences
Environmental Effects

United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)

Data, Modeling, and Coordination Center for the NHLBI's Precision Interventions for Severe and/or Exacerbation-Prone Asthma (PrecISE) Network (U24)

  20 Nov 2016- Confirmed / sponsor
  20 Dec 2016- Confirmed / sponsor

 Data Management or Analysis (Medical)
Clinical Trial

United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)

Clinical Centers for the NHLBI's Precision Interventions for Severe and/or Exacerbation Prone Asthma (PrecISE) Network (UG1)

  20 Nov 2016- Confirmed / sponsor
  20 Dec 2016- Confirmed / sponsor

 Clinical Research or Studies
Clinical Trial

United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

Mechanisms of Immune Activation and Inflammation: HIV Infection, ART, and Drugs of Abuse (R01)

  18 Nov 2016- Confirmed / sponsor
Note: Optional Letter of Intent Due Date(s): 30 days prior to the application due date

Infectious Diseases or Agents
Immune System Disorders
AIDS (Substance Abuse)
Immune System

United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)

Limited Competition: Continuation of the Glycemia Reduction Approaches in Diabetes: A Comparative Effectiveness (GRADE) Study (U01)

  07 Nov 2016- Confirmed / sponsor
  07 Dec 2016- Confirmed / sponsor


United States Department of State (DOS)
U.S. Mission to Mexico

Request for Implementing Partner - Model UN Simulation

  29 Aug 2016- Confirmed / sponsor

 Multicultural Education
High School Education
Government Studies
International Affairs
Education or Instructional Programs
Civil or Human Rights

United States Department of State (DOS)

Public Affairs Section Small Grants Program 2016

  31 Aug 2016- Confirmed / sponsor

 American Studies
Government Studies
Women Social or Economic Services
English as a Second Language
Foreign Language Education
Arts and Culture
Civil or Human Rights
Food Security
Environmental Studies
Environmental Conservation
Public Affairs
Gender Issues
Government Accountability

United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
National Cancer Institute (NCI)

Fundamental Mechanisms of Affective and Decisional Processes in Cancer Control (R01)

  11 Apr 2017- Confirmed / sponsor
  10 Oct 2017- Confirmed / sponsor
  11 Apr 2018- Confirmed / sponsor
  10 Oct 2018- Confirmed / sponsor
  11 Apr 2019- Confirmed / sponsor
  11 Oct 2019- Confirmed / sponsor
Note: Optional Letter of Intent Due Date(s): 30 days prior to the application due date

Consumer Behavior
Cancer Prevention
Cancer or Carcinogenesis
Decision Sciences

Ryan K. Champagne
Grants Development Coordinator
University of Pittsburgh
Office of Research
B21 University Club
123 University Place
rkc12 at<mailto:rkc12 at>

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