[PERIS-Listserv] REMINDER: MyRA Subaward Conversion Record Request Form

Kaczmarek, Natalie Evelyn nem44 at pitt.edu
Wed Jul 10 13:53:10 EDT 2024

[cid:image001.jpg at 01DAD2D0.80CD7530]
As a reminder, outgoing subawards and associated amendments are requested in MyRA and routed to the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP). However, to request an amendment for an outgoing subaward created in Contraxx, the subaward must first be imported into MyRA:

On the Contraxx Subaward Conversion SmartForm in question 1, select the Subaward you want to move into MyRA. Note: The list of Contraxx subawards you can select from is determined by the department in which you are employed.

  *   For users who need to convert records that are associated with departments other than their employer (such as PCI labs), please see the help text to access and complete the Subaward Conversion Record Request form<https://pitt.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0HUKoAgJ04jBsVg> (see Figure 1). The PERIS(tm) Team will receive the request form and link the subaward in the record for you. Note: Each conversion request will need its own request form.

Please see the associated Quick Guide<https://electronicresearch.pitt.edu/wp-content/uploads/Importing-from-Contraxx-to-create-AMD-1.pdf> for detailed instructions on how to import an agreement from Contraxx into MyRA.

Figure 1. SWD Contraxx Subaward Conversion SmartForm

[cid:image002.png at 01DAD2D0.80CD7530]

For any questions related to the PERIS(tm) project, using MyRA, or to arrange training, please email myrahelp at pitt.edu<mailto:myrahelp at pitt.edu>.

Sign-up<https://list.pitt.edu/mailman/listinfo/peris-listserv> for or unsubscribe<mailto:peristeam at pitt.edu?subject=Unsubscribe%20from%20PERIS%20Listserv> from the PERIS (tm) Listserv.
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