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[Peris-listserv] MyFunding Award Activation Rollout -Phase 2-March 11, 2019

Peris Team peristeam at
Thu Feb 21 16:39:42 EST 2019

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The PERIS(tm) team is excited to announce that the design, development, testing, and training for Phase 2, Award Activations, in the MyFunding module are complete.  The rollout of Award Activations is scheduled for Monday, March 11, 2019.

Phase 2 Rollout
The rollout of Phase 2 will allow the research community to use MyFunding to create, route, and activate all new and existing awards (including federal grants and contracts, foundation agreements, and corporate contracts), beginning on March 11th, 2019.

InfoEd Data Conversion
As part of the rollout of Award Activations in the MyFunding Module, the PERIS(tm) team will be completing a data conversion from InfoEd into MyFunding of all active awards and awards that closed on or after July 1, 2017.

Pending Award Activations
In preparation for the InfoEd data conversion, the Office of Research is requesting that departments return all required activation documents that are still pending no later than noon on Wednesday, March 6, 2019.
If these award activation documents are not received by the aforementioned date and time, the activation will not be processed until after the MyFunding Award Module rollout on Monday, March 11, 2019.
Elimination of Forms
As a result of the Phase 2 rollout, current processes will be streamlined, and several forms will no longer be needed to create, route, and activate new and existing awards.  The use of MyFunding will eliminate the following forms:

  1.  Stock 136 Form
  2.  Form 0202
  3.  No Cost Extension Request Form
  4.  Early Account Request Form

Transactions Already in Process
Office of Research transactions that are currently in process, such as progress reports due on March 15th, 2019, can be submitted to the Office of Research via the current process, orintake at<mailto:orintake at>.  To ensure that the MyFunding records for these transactions are accurate, the Office of Research will enter these transactions into MyFunding after March 18th, 2019.

Please note - No award-related Office of Research transactions, such as progress reports, no-cost extensions, award/agreement modifications, early account requests, etc., will be accepted outside of the MyFunding module after March 18th, 2019.

Additional Training Sessions
If you have not already participated in training for award activations, additional training sessions are being planned. Please stay tuned for more information.

For any questions related to the PERIS(tm) project and using MyFunding, please email perisproject at<mailto:perisproject at>, or visit the project website<> for more information.

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